666.762.11o001o4 Solid-electrolyte B-alumina ceramics are attracting the attention of researchers as prospective materials for thermoelectric transformers [i].The working capacity of the elements of such ceramics is largely determined by the phase composition, density, and strength factors [2]. One of the conditions for preserving the phase composition is the prevention of the volatilization of the sodium oxide from the material, which is achieved by adding stabilizer and sintering at fast heating rates* [3]. However, there is still quite a complicated problem in obtaining the high density B-alumina ceramic. Effective methods are hot% pressing and gas-static pressing [4]. In addition, the possibility of hot pressing is limited to shaping articles of simple shape, and for gasstatic pressing -complex equipment must be used. The problem of obtaining high-density ceramics, including articles of complex shape, is resolved in practice for nonconducting oxide materials with the use of additional hydrostatic pressures for processing (GSO) the specimens with high forces -about 2000 N/mm 2 [5,6]. Similar investigations have not been carried out in relation to B-alumina materials.We carried out an investigation into the influence of conditions used to obtain materials in hydrostatic treatment conditions at high pressures on the structure and properties of stabilized Z-alumina materials.The materials were studied with the spectral and x-ray phase analytical methods. The microstructural studies for assessing the distribution of the phases, the average size of the crystals, and the microhardness were made on the MBI-II microscope and the PMT-3 microhardness meter. In addition we determined the density and bending strength.The x-ray analysis was made on the DRON-0.5 equipment in Cu K~-radiation. The bending strength was determined by testing specimens on the breaking machine RT-250 (error • and the density using the method of hydrostatic weighing in toluene (error • g/cm3).In order to obtain experimental specimens (mainly discs of diameter 20 and height 2 mm) we prepared ceramic bodies containing 8.5% Na=O and 11.0% ZrO 2. The mass proportion of the remaining components are shown below: