Subject classification: 75.25.þz; 76.80.þy Spin-density enhancement in the presurface zone of a single crystal (110) Cr was observed by using the 119 Sn Mö ssbauer effect in the conversion electron mode (CEMS). The observed enhancement is by a factor of two smaller and by a factor of 30-50 deeper than theoretical predictions. The spin structure is different from the one in bulk chromium and can be explained in terms of higher-order harmonics.The antiferromagnetism of chromium is constituted by incommensurate spin-density waves (SDWs). Their importance stems from the fact that they are closely related to the Fermi surface and its topology [1]. SDWs set in as a linearly polarized electron structure at the Né el temperature which in bulk chromium is equal to $313 K [2, 3]. The structure consists of a sinusoidal modulation of the magnetic moment m ¼ m 0 sin a, with a ¼ Qr, where Q is a wave vector, r a position vector and m 0 the amplitude of the SDWs equal to $0.6m B at 4.2 K. Q is related to the periodicity of the SDWs L by Q ¼ ð2p=a À 2p=L), where a is the lattice constant. L is a continuous function of temperature T with a value of $7.8 nm at RT. SDWs can exist along any of the [001] crystallographic axes, i.e. three different domains can coexist in an equilibrium state (the so-called 3Q state).Theoretical calculations predict that the surface properties of Cr are different. In particular, the magnetic moment should be enhanced in comparison with its bulk value. According to the tight-binding calculations of Allan, the (001) Cr surface has a moment of 2.8m B [4]. Self-consistent tight binding calculations by Victoria and Falicov [5] predict a value of 3m B , whereas ab initio FLAPW calculations by Fu and Freeman [6] give a value of 2.5m B for the top layer of bulk Cr. Enhanced magnetic moment was also predicted for (110) Cr monolayers on substrates other than Cr [7, 8] as well as for Cr monolayers sandwiched between Fe on one side and vacuum on the other [9].Experimental evidence in favour of such an enhancement was recently supplied by 119 Sn Mö ssbauer spectroscopic measurements carried out on epitaxial Cr/Sn multilayers [10]. A hyperfine magnetic field of 11-13 T was recorded which is twice as large as in a single crystal bulk Cr [11].To obtain such information on bulk chromium, a $100 mm thick foil of a single crystal (110) Cr was implanted at 65 keV with the dose of 10 16 119 Sn ions per cm 2 . The profile of the tin concentration in the Cr matrix as found by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is shown in Fig. 1. According to the TRIM code, the mean projected range for the ions is 15.6 nm, which corresponds to $2L at RT and is illustrated in