Single and double torsion oscillators have been used to measure the anomalous change in resonant frequency and accompanying dissipation in solid 4 He. We present a glass description of the mechanical anomalies found in torsion oscillator measurements. Our results show that it is not necessary to invoke a supersolid interpretation to explain these mechanical anomalies. Previously, we demonstrated that the back-action of a glassy subsystem present in solid 4 He can account for frequency change and dissipation peak in single torsion oscillator experiments. Here, we show that the same glassy back-action can explain the experimental results of the composite torsion oscillator developed by the Rutgers group, which measures the response of solid 4 He at the in-phase mode f 1 = 496 Hz and out-of-phase mode f 2 = 1173 Hz.
IntroductionThe controversy over the origin of the anomalous low-temperature signature in solid 4 He continues since it was first discovered in ultrasound measurements by Goodkind and collaborators 1,2,3 and eventually detected in torsion oscillator (TO) experiments by Kim and Chan. 4,5 In earlier work, we argued that the origin of the TO anomaly is not that of a non-classical rotational inertia effect (NCRI), but rather due to a mechanical effect. We examined the response of a nonuniform solid