The mechanism for filiform corrosion (FFC) is thought to involve oxygen diffusion through the tail to the active head. The primary cathodic region is near the back of the head (at the head/tail boundary), where oxygen concentration is higher, and the primary anodic region is at the front edge of the head of the filament. Although there is experimental support for this mechanism, a high-resolution description of the FFC process has not been presented. The aim of this study was to provide detailed information about the mechanism of FFC on coated steel using the high spatial resolution of scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy. Segments of active filaments were successfully investigated through 150 and 300 nm thin epoxy coatings in air of 93% relative humidity. Volta potential and topographic maps showed separation of active anodes and cathodes in the head and revealed the presence of voids associated with delamination of the coating along the edge of the tail. The morphology of filaments and Volta potential distributions were strongly dependent on the film thickness. Differences in growth characteristics were explained by mass transport considerations.Filiform corrosion (FFC) affects many metals underneath organic, inorganic, or metallic coatings and results in networks of thread-like corrosion products propagating across the metal surface. Early studies of FFC focused on steel substrates coated with a variety of varnishes or lacquers. The development of new paint systems and the increased use of lightweight alloys in the aeronautical industry have widened the field of study to aluminum and magnesium alloys and to more modern coatings. FFC of steel, aluminum, and magnesium has been observed in various humidity conditions and under many different types of coatings. The growth pattern, behavior, physical dimension, and velocity of the filaments have been reviewed in detail. [1][2][3][4] The literature reveals that there are many common characteristics of FFC, regardless of the nature of the metal or coating. A filament consists of two visually distinguishable parts: an active head, where dissolution of the metal occurs, and a trailing tail, composed of dry corrosion products. The interface between the dry tail and the head on iron is characterized by a V-shaped boundary. The width of filaments ranges from 0.05 to 3 mm, and the filaments can travel considerable distances and weave intricate patterns. The average growth rate ranges between 0.01 to 0.5 mm/day, but growth is not uniform. Degradation of the metal is superficial, as the depth of attack rarely exceeds 10 µm, but FFC can destroy the protectiveness of a coating system. On steel, filaments never cross each other and are simply deflected without actually touching, or split into two heads, which then reflect or stop growing at ''near-collision.'' Most of the characteristics of FFC are consistent with a differential oxygen concentration cell mechanism, 5 which requires that the oxygen concentration be much lower in the head than in