Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata raised on a diet supplemented with 2 olive leaf powder (OLP) was subjected to an analysis of the breaking properties of ordinary muscle. The force-strain curve showed that the slope of the OLP-dietˆsh curve was higher than that of control-dietˆsh that were raised on a diet without OLP. There was no signiˆcant diŠerence in breaking force value, while the breaking strain value of OLP-dietˆsh muscle was 24 lower than that of the muscle of control-dietˆsh. Chemical analysis showed that collagen content was 22 higher in OLP-dietˆsh than in control-dietˆsh. These results suggest that the diŠerence in collagen content is the cause of the diŠerence in textural property between OLP-dietˆsh and control-dietˆsh. The breaking force of the muscles refrigerated for 3 days was 40 higher in OLP-dietˆsh than in control-dietˆsh, suggesting that muscle softening of OLP-dietˆsh was slower than that of control-dietˆsh. Electron microscopic observation of the mus-