Covid-19 presented tremendous challenges to healthcare systems throughout the world. In particular, the presence of comorbid conditions became a significant factor due to the greatly increased risk of hospitalization and death in people living with diseases such as Congestive Heart Failure. While the literature has long indicated relationships between psychological challenges (depression and anxiety), the pandemic represented a particular challenge due to the way that it limited individual’s ability to engage in activities outside of the home. While all activities were limited, exercise presented a particular challenge as it is so essential to Congestive Heart Failure self-management. The current study used a quantitative descriptive design to examine the relationship between psychological variables and heart failure self-management. The study indicated relatively mild alterations in depression and anxiety. However, the results indicated a significant relationship between physical activity during the pandemic and having engaged in Cardiac Rehabilitation prior to the lockdowns (p < .05). Further, the results indicated that self-efficacy related to self-management was higher in patients who engaged in higher activity levels (p < .001). The study supported the importance of cardiac rehabilitation and subsequent exercise in establishing self-efficacy and beneficial outcomes in patients living with Congestive Heart Failure.