Migration behavior of Np(V) in sandy soil and granite media was studied in the presence of humic substances using a column method. Two kinds of naturally occurring fulvics were isolated from groundwater at the Chalk River Laboratories of AECL (hereafter, CRL-fulvics) and at the Underground Research Laboratory of AECL (hereafter, URL-fulvics). The commercial humics from Aldrich Co. (hereafter, Aldrich-humics) was also used to compare the influence of humics from different origin on the migration behavior of Np(V). The dominant molecular size of these humic substances was under 5,000 daltons for the fulvics, and in the range from 30,000 to 100,000 daltons for Aldrich-humics. An enhanced elution of Np(V) from the sandy soil column under coexistence of CRL-fulvics at 20 mg/L was observed in comparison with the studies in the absence of humic substances. On the other hand, Np(V) under coexistence of Aldrich-humics was retarded. The difference in the effects of the humic substances on the migration behavior of Np(V) may be caused by the difference in the molecular size distribution of the humic substances. That is, the CRL-fulvics, being smaller in size, has lower sorption ability on the sandy soil than the Aldrich-humics, and thereby Np-fulvics complexes may be able to easily migrate through the sandy soil column. In the case of granite column experiments, again an enhanced elution of Np(V) under the coexistence of URL-fulvics was found and this observation was similar to that found with the CRL-fulvics. From these observations, it is likely that the migration behavior of Np(V) is influenced by the presence of humic substances.