Biocompatibility of a new type of heparin-coated cardiopulmonary bypass equipment, the Bioline, was evaluated in coronary artery bypass surgery cases. The heparin-coated (H) group (n = 15; Quadrox Bioline oxygenator/reservior and Carmeda BioMedicus BP-80 centrifugal pump) was compared with the nonheparin-coated (N) group (n = 12; uncoated, otherwise similar oxygenator, centrifugal pump, tubing, and filter set). Both groups used full systemic heparinization. The peak values of neutrophil elastase, C3a, IL-6, and IL-8 at 2 h after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), and C3a levels at the end of CPB and at 2 h after CPB were significantly reduced in the H group compared with those of the N group. However, no statistically significant intergroup differences were observed in thrombin-antithrombin complex, D-dimer, beta-thromboglobulin, or platelet factor-4. No significant differences were observed in hemostasis time, postoperative 12 h blood loss, required amount of blood transfusion, or intubation time. In conclusion, the Bioline demonstrated partially improved biocompatibility, in terms of leukocyte and complement activation, and proinflammatory cytokine production. However, it did not improve platelet activation, coagulation, or fibrinolysis cascade under full systemic heparinization. As a result, the clinical beneficial impact seemed to be the minimum.