“…First, it is one of the largest European estuaries (Lobry et al, 2003), and thus, one of the main nursery ground for the Atlantic sole stock, which is one of the most economically important fish stock for the Bay of Biscay (Le Pape et al, 2003). Second, abiotic and biotic contamination has been studied for several years for PCBs (Bodin et al, 2014;Lauzent, 2018;Tapie et al, 2011) and more recently for PFASs (Munoz et al, 2017b(Munoz et al, , 2017a. Third, significant changes in the abundance of flatfish populations (Hermant et al, 2010;Pasquaud et al, 2012) and in the structure and functioning of the whole food web (Chevillot et al, 2016; in relation with strong modifications of physicochemical conditions (warming and salinization) were recently highlighted (Chaalali et al, 2013a).…”