2 The aim of the study was to examine effects of postharvest sprays of nitrogen (N), boron (B), and zinc (Zn) on reproductive response of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) trees, fruit quality and plant nutrition. The experiment was conducted during 2007-2009 in central Poland on mature 'Burlat' sweet cherry trees/F12, grown on a coarse-textured soil with low level of organic matter, and optimal soil reaction. Soil status of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), Zn and copper (Cu) was optimal, whereas B -low. Sweet cherry trees were sprayed with boric acid-B, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-Zn, and urea-N at 30-40 d prior to initiation of leaf fall according to following schema: i) spray of N at a rate of 23 kg ha −1 ; ii) spray of B and Zn at a dose of 1.1 kg ha −1 and 0.5 kg ha −1 , respectively; and iii) spray of N, B and Zn at the same rates as in the above spray combinations. The trees sprayed with water served as the control. The results showed that fall spray treatments had no influence on cold damage of flower buds, plant N status and soluble solids concentration in fruit. Postharvest spray of N and combined spray of N, B and Zn injured leaves in the fall but did not cause defoliation. Sprays of B and Zn with or without N increased status of Zn and B in fall leaves, and B in flowers and midsummer leaves. Those sprays also improved fruit set and yield. In one out of two years of the study, fall sprays of N with or without B and Zn decreased mean fruit weight. The above results indicate that only leaf-applied B in the fall improved reproductive response of sweet cherry trees. It is concluded that under conditions of B shortage in a soil and/or plant tissues, postharvest B sprays can be recommended in sweet cherry orchards to improve reproductive growth of the trees.