In vitro adventitious shoot formation from embryonic and cotyledonary tissues ofPinus brutia Ten.Abstract. Adventitious buds were induced when isolated whole embryos, and excised cotyledons from treated seeds of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) were cultured on a cytokinin-supplemented medium. The adventitious buds formed dkectly from the cotyledons. The highest number of bud primordia were formed, with both embryos and excised cotyledons, after 6 weeks on a BAP -supplemented Schenk and Hildebrandt medium under a 16 h photoperiod. The buds, when separated and maintained individually on a full-strength medium without growth regulators, developed into well-formed shoots within 4 weeks. The average number of harvested shoots obtained (> 1 cm in height) per seed over 24 weeks was 55; however, a maximum number of 152 shoots was obtained from one individual over the same period. The shoot forming capacity of the meristematic tissue was not lost after seven harvests.