Finite-temperature Kohn-Sham density-functional theory (KS-DFT) is a widely-used method in warm dense matter (WDM) simulations and diagnostics; however, full KS-DFT-molecular dynamics models scale unfavorably with temperature and there remains uncertainty regarding the performance of exchange-correlation (XC) functionals under WDM conditions. Average-atom (AA) models, which significantly reduce the computational cost of KS-DFT calculations, have therefore become an integral part of WDM modeling. In this paper, we present a derivation of a first-principles AA model from the fully-interacting many-body Hamiltonian, carefully analysing the assumptions made and terms neglected in this reduction. We explore the impact of different choices within this model -such as boundary conditions and XC functionals -on common properties in WDM, for example equation-of-state data. Furthermore, drawing upon insights from ground-state KS-DFT, we speculate on likely sources of error in KS-AA models and possible strategies for mitigating against such errors.