This article presents the results of studying the effect of foliar fertilizing with concentrated complex liquid fertilizer Ultramag Combi in the phase of tillering and earing of winter wheat with doses of 1 l/ha and 2 l/ha, in 2021-2022. The studies were carried out with winter soft wheat of the Scepter variety on the basis of Agrobiotechnopark LLC at the Kazan State Agrarian University on gray forest soils with a humus content of more than 3.0%, mobile phosphorus of more than 250 mg/kg according to Kirsanov, exchangeable potassium of 121-170 mg/ kg, the reaction of the soil medium close to a neutral pH of 6.6. Accounting for the density of seedlings, the structure of plant yield was carried out by the method of sites. Accounting for the actual yield of winter wheat grain was carried out for all variants by a continuous method, followed by conversion to standard (14%) humidity and 100% purity [GOST 13586.5-2015; GOST 30483-97], determination of the quantity and quality of gluten in wheat grain – according to GOST R 54478-2011. The use of complex concentrated fertilizer Ultramag Combi with foliar top dressing in the tillering phase of winter wheat with doses of 1 and 2 l / ha increased the growth of dry biomass, productive bushiness, the safety of seedlings for harvesting, the mass of 1000 grains and the mass of grain from 1 ear, which eventually increased the biological yield compared with the control. Foliar top dressing with Ultramag Combi preparation in the phase of tillering and earing of winter wheat with a dose of 1 l / ha on average over the years of research increased grain yield by 9.5%, and when using a dose of 2 l/ha in the same phases of winter wheat development, the yield increase reached 16.8%.