<p>Centralized decision-making for a Networked Control System (NCS) suffers from a high computational burden on the planning agent. Distributed agents, which compute cooperative decision-making, increase computational performance. In cooperative decision-making, agents locally plan for a subset of all agents. Due to only local system knowledge of the agents, these local plans are inconsistent with the local plans of other agents. This inconsistency leads to the infeasibility of plans. This article introduces an algorithm for synchronizing local plans for cooperative distributed decision-making. The algorithm enables parallel decision-making and achieves feasible decisions. The algorithm consists of two iterative steps: local planning and global synchronization. In the local planning step, the agents parallelly compute local decisions, referred to as plans. Subsequently, consistency of the local plans across agents is achieved using global synchronization. The globally synchronized plans act as reference decisions for the local planning step in the next iteration. In each iteration, the local planning guarantees locally feasible plans, while the synchronization guarantees globally consistent plans in that iteration. The parallel algorithm converges to globally feasible decisions if the coupling topology is feasible. We introduce requirements for the coupling topology to achieve convergence to globally feasible decisions and present the algorithm using a model predictive control example. Our evaluations with car-like robots show that globally feasible decisions are achieved.</p>