where β is the electron tunneling decay constant, L is the interparticle separation, E c is the Coulomb blockage energy and k is the Boltzmann constant. Thus changes in any of the variables could result in electrical resistance modulation of the nanoparticle fi lm. Although our device layout ( Figure 1 ) is analogous to a transistor source-drain structure such that the electrical resistance across the fi lm can be measured in the presence of a gate electrode, we wish to emphasize that the basic modulation mechanism of our fi lms is not based on fi eld-effect doping or de-doping of charge carriers in semiconductor materials such as that found in fi eld-effect transistors (FETs). There have been a number of reports describing FETs, including electrolytegated transistors, where gold nanoparticles have been incorporated into active organic semiconductors [26][27][28][29] and carbon nanotubes, [ 30 ] but to the best of our knowledge, there has only been one report based purely on gold nanoparticle fi lms [ 31 ] where the conductance of the nanoparticle fi lm is directly measured. However, in the report, [ 31 ] the resistance modulation in air of ultra thin fi lms comprising gold islands is due to modulation of the charging energy induced by the gate electrode. Here, we wish to propose that the gate modulation of gold nanoparticle fi lms can also occur through changes in L in the presence of a charged organic species. Thus an intrinsically different modulation mechanism could give rise to novel device properties and functionality.To effectively modulate the nanoparticle fi lm source-drain resistance with an external gate electrode we show that the charge of the chemical species plays an important role. When the organic chemical species is positively charged, e.g. cetyl pyridinium bromide (10 mM), a 1-hexanethiol-coated gold nanoparticle fi lm is readily modulated upon applying a positive gate voltage (relative to the source electrode), as signifi ed by an increase in resistance ( Figure 2 a). The positive gate voltage induces negative charges inside the nanoparticles which drives the positively charged ions (cetyl pyridinium) into the fi lm where the organic component of the species is believed to intercalate with the hexanethiolate coating and thereby increase the interparticle separation. As the nanoparticle fi lms conduct via electron tunneling between the gold cores and along the alkanethiolate coating, this subsequently increases the resistance. If the organic chemical species is negatively charged, e.g. sodium dodecyl sulphate (10 mM), then the resistance modulation occurs at negative gate voltages as the nanoparticle fi lm is now positively charged (Figure 2 b). The small inorganic counter ions in the two illustrated examples do not play a signifi cant role in the resistance modulation and this was further Materials whose electronic properties can be modulated by multiple, independent stimuli are of interest for the development of intelligent materials, devices and systems. [1][2][3] Metal nanoparticle fi lms ar...