L. 2008. The effect of seeding rate, seeding date and seeder type on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 501Á 508. The hypothesis of this study was that spring camelina (Camelina sativa L.) could be grown as a high-value crop under the moist, cool conditions of the Maritime Provinces in Canada and seeding date, seeding rate, and type of seeder will modify productivity and oil composition. The objectives were (1) to determine the optimum seeding date and seeding rate for camelina production in the Maritimes; and (2) to evaluate the effect of seeder type (seed drill and forage seeder) on camelina establishment and seed yield. A seeding date and rate experiment and a seeder type and seeding rate experiment were conducted in 2005 and 2006 in Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island. Seeding date did not affect camelina emergence, plant height, seed yield and oil content. The earlier seeding date increased the concentration of stearic acid in the oil compared with the later seeding date. Seed yield of camelina was not affected by seeding rate in the seeder type by rate trial but higher yields were observed up to 600 seeds m Á2 in the seeding date by rate trial. The weak yield response to seeding rate could be explained by the high yield compensation ability of camelina through branching. It was suggested that seeding rates in the range of 400 to 600 seeds m Á2 would likely be best for camelina grown in the Maritime region. The forage seeder provided a better crop stand compared with the seed drill, although both seeders provided satisfactory crop establishment. Camelina has the potential to be produced successfully in the Maritime Provinces due to its adaptability to seeder type, low seeding rate requirements, and a wide window for seeding date. J. Plant Sci. 88: 501Á508. L'hypothe`se a`la base de cette e´tude est que la came´line faux-lin (Camelina sativa L.) pourrait devenir une culture lucrative dans le climat frais et humide caracte´ristique aux provinces Maritimes du Canada. Les auteurs postulent aussi que la date d'ensemencement, la densite´des semis et le type de semoir modifieront le rendement de la culture et la composition de l'huile. Les objectifs e´taient les suivants : (1) de´terminer la date d'ensemencement et la densite´des semis optimales pour la culture de la came´line dans les Maritimes et (2) e´valuer l'incidence du semoir (a`grains ou a`cultures fourrage`res) sur l'e´tablissement de la culture et son rendement grainier. À cette fin, les auteurs ont entrepris une expe´rience sur la date d'ensemencement et la densite´des semis ainsi qu'une seconde sur le type de semoir et la densited es semis en 2005 et 2006, en Nouvelle-É cosse et a`l'Iˆle-du-Prince-É douard. La date d'ensemencement n'a aucune incidence sur la leve´e de la came´line, la hauteur du plant, le rendement grainier ni la teneur en huile. Des semis plus pre´coces augmentent la concentration d'acide ste´arique dans l'huile, comparativement aux semis plus tardifs. Le rendement grai...