Aims: The objective of the study was to examine how Information Technology (IT) affects the commitment of employees in Airport & Aviation Industry in Sri Lanka (AASL).
Study Design: This study is primarily a survey research, relying mainly on the collection and analysis of primary data collected through a questionnaire.
Methodology: Based on the review of theoretical background and the literature and exploratory interviews with the participants, three determinant on commitment were identify in this study, including usage of IT, IT infrastructure, IT knowledge management. The population of study constituted of 4000 employees in 19 departments in AASL as a population of interest. The study employed purposive sampling method to select six department from 19 in the population and then random sampling method was used to select 250. Structured questionnaires were used in collecting data. The results of Cronbach’s alpha values are greater than 0.7 for all variables. To analysis data, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were used.
Results: Four hypotheses were tested and all were accepted. Results indicate that employee background on IT, IT infrastructure and IT knowledge management are affecting by 50.4 percent to employee commitment. In addition, results showed that there is a positive and moderate relationship between employee background on IT and IT knowledge management with employee commitment. Moreover, there is a positive and weak relationship between IT infrastructure and employee commitment. The study concluded that Employee background on IT, IT infrastructure and IT knowledge management factors take part in a critical role in influencing the level of employee commitment is a conclusion that was made.