Multifunctional drug-loaded polymer–metal nanocapsules
attracted increasing attention in drug delivery due to their multifunctional
potential endowed by drug activity and response to physicochemical
stimuli. Current chemical synthesis methods of polymer/metal capsules
require specific optimization of the different components to produce
particles with precise properties, being particularly complex for
Janus structures combining polymers and ferromagnetic and highly reactive
metals. With the aim to generate tunable synergistic nanotherapeutic
actuation with enhanced drug effects, here we demonstrate a versatile
hybrid chemical/physical fabrication strategy to incorporate different
functional metals with tailored magnetic, optical, or chemical properties
on solid drug-loaded polymer nanoparticles. As archetypical examples,
we present poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles
(diameters 100–150 nm) loaded with paclitaxel, indocyanine
green, or erythromycin that are half-capped by either Fe, Au, or Cu
layers, respectively, with application in three biomedical models.
The Fe coating on paclitaxel-loaded nanocapsules permitted efficient
magnetic enhancement of the cancer spheroid assembly, with 40% reduction
of the cross-section area after 24 h, as well as a higher paclitaxel
effect. In addition, the Fe-PLGA nanocapsules enabled external contactless
manipulation of multicellular cancer spheroids with a speed of 150
μm/s. The Au-coated and indocyanine green-loaded nanocapsules
demonstrated theranostic potential and enhanced anticancer activity
in vitro and in vivo due to noninvasive fluorescence imaging with
long penetration near-infrared (NIR) light and simultaneous photothermal–photodynamic
actuation, showing a 3.5-fold reduction in the tumor volume growth
with only 5 min of NIR illumination. Finally, the Cu-coated erythromycin-loaded
nanocapsules exhibited enhanced antibacterial activity with a 2.5-fold
reduction in the MIC50 concentration with respect to the free or encapsulated
drug. Altogether, this technology can extend a nearly unlimited combination
of metals, polymers, and drugs, thus enabling the integration of magnetic,
optical, and electrochemical properties in drug-loaded nanoparticles
to externally control and improve a wide range of biomedical applications.