-For twelve years, the subject of this report, a 38-year-old man, presented a clinical condition compatible with the SUNCT (short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing) syndrome. He presented a stabbing and intense daily pain located in the left pre-auricular and temporal regions. Each of these intense pain attacks lasted around one minute and presented a f requency of two to eight times per day. The pain was associated with ipsilateral lacrimation, conjunctival injection and rhinorrhea. MRI revealed a pituitary tumor with little suprasellar extent. The subject's serial assays of prolactin, GH, TSH and ACTH were within normal levels. Following transsphenoidal hypophysect o m y, with complete removal of the tumor, the subject no more presented pain. The pathological diagnosis was non-secreting adenoma. Fourteen months after the surgery, he remains symptom-free.KEY WORDS: SUNCT, pituitary tumor, surgery, ultra-shorting headaches.Síndrome SUNCT associada a tumor de hipófise: relato de caso RESUMO -O paciente relatado neste artigo apresentou uma condição clínica compatível com síndro m e SUNCT (cefaléia de curta duração, unilateral, neuralgiforme com hiperemia conjuntival e lacrimejamento). Ele referia dor diária, intensa, em facada, localizada na região pré-auricular e temporal esquerd a s . Cada ataque de dor permanecia por cerca de um minuto, com freqüência de duas a oito vezes por dia. A dor se acompanhava de lacrimejamento ipsolateral, congestão conjuntival e rinorréia. A RM mostrou um tumor de hipófise com pouca extensão suprasselar. Dosagens de prolactina, GH, TSH e ACTH estavam em níveis normais. Foi então submetido a hipofisectomia transesfenoidal com remoção completa do tumor após o que a dor cessou completamente. O diagnóstico anátomo-patológico foi adenoma não secre t o r. Quatorze meses após a cirurgia, o paciente permanecia livre de dor. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: SUNCT, tumor de hipófise, cirurgia, cefaléia de curta duração. s y n d rome is the poor response to pharm a c o l o g i c a l t re a t m e n t s 3 , 4 . There have been re p o rts of impro v ement upon the use of amitriptyline, carbamazepine, gabapentin, prednisone, topiramate 5 , lamotrigine 6 , nifedipine and sumatriptan 4 . Anesthetic blockades do not work very well, although there have been re p o rts of improvement following the local opioid blockade of the superior cervical ganglion 7 . There have also been re p o rts of surgical pro c e d u res that worked eff e c t i v e l y 5 while others re p o rts have indicated a lack of response to such procedures 8 .This syndrome has been listed in the second edition of The International Classification of Headache D i s o rders together with trigeminal autonomic cephaThe SUNCT syndrome (short-lasting unilateral neur a l g i f o rm headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing) is an uncommon headache characterized by moderate to severe pain. Usualy, the locations with the most severe pain are the ocular/periocular regions and the fronta...