Theory and experiments are reviewed for how laser radlation can stimulate various component mechentsms which contribute to the complex chemistry involved in heterogeneous catalysis. These mechanisms include the processes of adsorptlon, desorption, migration, and chemical reactions at a gas-solid interface. Applications of laser-induced surface chemistry to rnicrodectmics In drcuit deposbn, lithography, annealing, and flnal testlng of the circuit are discussed. In addition to the review, some new theory Is presented.Ceramic thermal barrier coating research is reviewed in periods from the early 1950's through the early 1970's, from the seventies to the eighties, and for the past few years. Recent major developments include use of ceramic coatings on various components of gas turbine engines such as first-stage turbine vane platforms of advanced production engines, uncooled integrally bladed turbine wheel rims, and cooled combustion transition sections. These developments have been realized through improvements in coating materials and processing conditions and through heat transfer and aerodynamic analysis. Future improvements will be facilitated when coating failure mechanisms are more fully understood. Current understanding of failure mechanisms is reviewed.