O xygen (O 2 ), the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere on Earth, plays a critical role in nature, including aquatic environments. As the most favorable electron acceptor, O 2 drives the degradation of organic matter and influences the cycling of other elements (e.g., nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus) (1). For decades, aerobic respiration has been studied by different methods in various environments (2-4). Due to the limit of detection by traditional methods (Winkler methods and methods that use electrochemical sensors and optodes), the measurement of respiratory activity in low-O 2 environments, such as oceanic oxygenminimum zones (OMZs), is rare (5), and even in fully oxygenated waters, the direct measurement of oxygen dynamics is difficult and the more indirect method of measurement of formazan formation has therefore been applied (6). The lack of detailed data on aerobic respiration in low-O 2 environments restricts the understanding of carbon budgets (7) and the prediction of the development of O 2 within such environments (8). Recently, STOX oxygen sensors have been applied to quantify O 2 respiration rates in OMZs (9), and by this technique, it was possible to measure rates down to about 1 nmol Ϫ1 liter Ϫ1 h Ϫ1 , which is a level of resolution that is a factor of 10 higher than that obtained by traditional methods (10). Half-saturation constants (apparent K m values) for microbial communities were estimated from the data obtained with STOX oxygen sensors, but highly variable values ranging from 30 to 200 nmol liter Ϫ1 were obtained. Another study indicated high half-saturation O 2 concentrations of several micromolar, supposedly caused by diffusion limitation around and within aggregates (11).The final step of aerobic respiration is conducted by a terminal cytochrome oxidase, a membrane-associated protein which transfers electrons to O 2 (12). Two main families of terminal oxidases have been classified on the basis of structural and functional differences (13-16): the heme-copper oxidases (HCOs) and the cytochrome bd-type oxidases. Furthermore, three classes have been identified within HCOs according to the combination of different heme subunits (classes A, B, and C). The kinetic parameters maximum respiration rate (V max ) and K m can be used to describe respiratory activity as a function of the O 2 concentration, although it should be kept in mind that the Michaelis-Menten equation strictly applies only to the kinetics of single enzymes. According to the affinity of O 2 , these terminal oxidases can be classified as high-affinity terminal oxidases (with K m values of about 3 to 8 nmol liter Ϫ1 ) (17) and low-affinity terminal oxidases (with K m values of about 200 nmol liter Ϫ1 ) (18). Respiration rates in aquatic environments have been estimated by different methods, and the kinetics have been estimated using several models. Different equations have been proposed to estimate V max and K m values, such as fitting of the data directly to the Michaelis-Menten equation by computer-aided iterative regres...