Exposure to ovarian sex steroids during different life phases has long-term effects on women's health and wellbeing. Menopause is characterized by rapid decline in ovarian sex steroids already during mid-life, between the ages of 46 and 52. Due to the menopause-related hormonal changes, women in most western countries live more than one-third of their lives in postmenopausal status. The role of ovarian steroids on neuromuscular function in middle-aged and older women has been investigated since the 1980s with increasing volume of research during the last decades. This review considers how different components of the neuromuscular system may be influenced by estrogens and so affects neuromuscular function in postmenopausal women. The main focus is on muscle strength and power, which are closely associated with mobility and functional capacity among older populations. In the end of the review, we summarize recent findings on the underlying biological mechanisms in skeletal muscle that could explain the association between hormone replacement therapy and neuromuscular function among postmenopausal women.