Investigations of the effects of machining parameters on the cutting quality of wire-electrical-discharge-machining (WEDM) cutting of an annealed Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy are described in this paper. The cutting-quality characteristics considered are the kerf width, the recast-layer thickness and the surface roughness of the cut specimens. The essential process input parameters were identified as the pulse-on time, the pulse-peak current, and the injection pressure. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to find the parameters affecting the cut quality. The regression analysis was used for the development of empirical models able to describe the effects of the process parameters on the quality of the WEDM cutting. The ANOVA results show that the pulse-on time and the pulse-peak current are significant variables affecting the surface roughness of wire-EDMed Inconel 718. The surface roughness, the kerf width and the recast layer of the test specimens increased as these two variables increased. The measured and modelled results were in good agreement with respect to the correlation coefficients Ra, RLT and Kü. Keywords: wire-electrical-discharge machining (WEDM), Inconel 718, recast layer, surface morphology, analysis of variance V~lanku je opisana raziskava vplivov parametrov obdelave na kvaliteto reza, z`i~no elektroerozijo (WEDM) rezane`arjene nikljeve superzlitine Inconel 718. Upo{tevane so bile karakteristike reza, kot je {irina reza, debelina nataljenega sloja in hrapavost povr{ine odrezanega vzorca. Ugotovljeno je, da so bistveni vhodni parametri procesa impulzi v~asu, tok vrha impulza in tlak vbrizgavanja. Za iskanje parametrov, ki vplivajo na kvaliteto reza je bila uporabljena tehnika analiza variance (ANOVA). Regresijska analiza je bila uporabljena za razvoj empiri~nega modela, ki lahko opi{e vpliv procesnih parametrov na kvaliteto WEDM rezanja. Rezultati iz ANOVE ka`ejo, da sta impulz v~asu in tok vrha impulza pomembni spremenljivki pri rezanju Inconela 718 z`i~no elektroerozijo. Hrapavost povr{ine, {irina zareze in debelina pretaljene plasti so nara{~ali pri preizkusnih vzorcih,~e sta nara{~ali ti dve spremenljivki. Izmerjeni in modelirani rezultati so se dobro ujemali s korelacijskimi koeficienti Ra, RLT in Kü.