The effects of solventa nd temperature on the complexation of adamantyl mannoside with b-cyclodextrin and 6-O-monotosyl-6-deoxy-b-cyclodextrinw ere explored experimentally and by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Efficientb inding was observedo nly in hydrogenbondeds olvents, which indicated solvophobically driven complexation. Thes tability of the inclusion complex was considerably higheri na queous media. Ap ronouncedt emperature dependence of D r H * and D r S * ,r esulting in perfect enthalpy-entropy compensation, was observedi nw ater.The complexation thermodynamicsw as in line with classical rationale for the hydrophobic effect at lower temperatures and the nonclassical explanation at higher temperatures. This finding linked cyclodextrinc omplexation thermodynam-ics with insights regarding the effecto ft emperature on the hydration water structure. The complexation enthalpies and entropies were weakly dependent on temperature in organic media. The signs of D r H * and D r S * were in accordance with the nonclassicalh ydrophobic (solvophobic) effect.T he structures of the optimized product corresponded to those deduceds pectroscopically,a nd the calculated and experimentally obtained values of D r G * were in very good agreement. This investigation clearly demonstrated that solvophobically drivenf ormation of cyclodextrin complexes could be anticipated in structured solvents in general. However,u nlike in water, adamantane and the host cavity behaved solely as structure breakers in the organic media explored so far.[a] SE = standard error of the mean (N = 3o r4). Figure 6. Relative a) conformation and b) solvation contribution to the hydration enthalpies of reactantsand the complex over the studied temperature range.