In relation with the development of clinical endovasive surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery there is an urgent need for their improvement. Recent year's osteological and orthopedic areas of medicine have been rapidly developed; it requires an additional data on the age-related and individual anatomical variability. The purpose of the study -is to establish the range of anatomical variability of facial skull in adulthood taking in account the extreme forms, sizes and relations according to skull shapes. The research was conducted on a study of 100 bone samples of coherent and fragmented skulls from the collections of anatomy department of Kharkiv National Medical University. It was investigated 58 male skulls and 42 female skulls in 25-60 years old age. To establish an individual anatomical variability of the bone structures, was determined a number of main indices using the well-known craniodivider. All calculations performed by computer program "SPSS Statistics 17.0" using the digital standard package of the tables and initial data. It is proved that the highest range of the arithmetic average of zygomatic sizes (zy-zy) related with representatives of brachycephalic type of the skull, in adulthoods with mesocephalic type it decreases, the minimal range has been found in dolichocephalic type of the head and skull. The lower zygomatic diameter -the size between points go-go, also decreases in the arithmetic average from brachycephalic to dolichocephalic types that is associated with the gradual narrowing and lengthening of the visceral skull in adulthood. More stable results were found determining the forehead width (ft-ft). This parameter tends to decrease from brachycephalic to dolichocephalic. More advanced type of facial structure is defined in brachycephalic adulthoods, the narrowed forehead shape related with dolichocephalic type. For modern craniological estimation of the visceral skull, the size n-pr used to calculate special indices. According to our data, in brachycephalic males this parameter varies from 5.0 to 6.9 cm; females -between 4.8-6.6 cm. In representatives of mesocephalic type, the n-pr ranges in 10.0-11.6 cm. In people with dolichocephalic type, this altitude parameter increased in males from 5.7 to 7.9 cm, females -from 5.5 to 7.6 cm. It was also established that Ind1 has a wide range of variability, especially in brachycephalic males -83.50 ± 9.70 and in females -87.00 ±7.80, which includes a variety of visceral skull structure in people of different age. The range of this index in mesocephalic people is less -86.00 ± 3.20 (males) and 85.30 ± 3.40 (females). Accordingly, in dolichocephalic type complete visceral index is observed in range -91.20 ± 4.40 (males) and 91.10 ± 2.90 (females). Thus, it is proved that the specific type of visceral skull -europrosopic is specific for the people of Kharkiv region. It is characterized by increased latitudinal sizes: zy-zy, po-po and go-go, with a slight decrease in altitude parameters of the visceral skull n-gn and n-pr. Depending on the ra...