The generation of chlorine dioxide from the reaction between hypochlorous acid and chlorite with or without an initial chloride addition has been studied under slightly acidic conditions. Chloride (Cl-), one of the pfoducts from the reaction, not only changes the reaction stoichiometry, but also alters the rate law. It was found that the formation of chlorine dioxide from the HOCI-CD-system consists of two distinct parts, one is promoted by chloride, the other is independent of chloride. The overall kinetics of the chlorine dioxide generation from the reaction is: La production de bioxyde de chlore a partir de la reaction entre I'acide hypochloreux et la chlorite avec ou sanc ajout initial de chlorure a ete etudiee dans des conditions Iegerement acides. Le chlorure (Ct), I'un des produits de la reaction, non seulement modifie la stoechiometrie de la reaction, mais altere egalement la loi de vitesse. On a trouve que la formation de bioxyde de chlore avec le systeme HOCI-CI0;comprend deux parties distinctes, l'une due au chlorure, l'autre etant independante du chlorure. La cinetique globale de la production de bioxyde de chlore a partir de la reaction est:Ce modele peut parfaitement predire la reaction dans les conditions suivantes: 273-303K, [CIO,-]