From the very early studies of the Earth's magnetosphere, it became clear that particle flux spectra have energetic tails which are better described by power law distributions instead of exponential tails corresponding to Maxwell distributions. Given that the plasma density in the magnetosphere is very low, we are dealing with a collisionless plasma in which the relaxation of non-Maxwellian distributions toward Maxwellian distribution due to Coulomb collisions can take a long time. However, in spite of the absence of collisions, nearly Maxwellian distribution functions are frequently observed. The process of relaxation of particles to a Maxwell distributions in a collisionless plasma is unknown. The particle population in the Earth's magnetosphere is formed due to the action of several particle and energy sources and sinks. In many cases the observed distribution function for a large energy intervals can be well fitted by a Kappa distribution function, which is composed by a Maxwellian core and a power tail (see Livadiotis & McComas, 2013; Livadiotis, 2017 for a historical review). The formation of Kappa distributions is part of the process of relaxation of nonequilibrium distribution functions to Maxwell distributions. Such functions are often nearly isotropic and have no positive gradients in the velocity space. Such feature makes the process of kappa-type distribution relaxation to the Maxwell distribution function especially interesting. This function has three parameters: The number density of the selected population, the core energy, and the kappa index ( E ), which describes the spectral slope at energies much larger than thermal ones. The kappa distribution transforms into a Maxwell distribution when E . Therefore, it is interesting to identify regions with soft spectra(large E ) to study the processes of relaxation of distribution functions to Maxwell distributions. This process is known as thermalization (see Kirpichev & Antonova, 2020, and references therein), and it is probably connected to diffusion in the velocity space (Collier, 1999).The use of three kappa parameters instead of the two parameters of the Maxwell approximation permits to improve the description of magnetospheric instabilities (