The paper deals with the fracture toughness of nodular cast irons of differing microstructure and manganese content. Fracture toughness was determined for static and impact loading in the temperature range from 77 to 523 K. The dependences of fracture toughness on manganese content and microstructure were obtained.Fatigue crack growth rate curves were obtained at room temperature and a correlation between the parameters characterizing fatigue crack growth rate was found.Fractographic studies revealed an important role of graphite inclusions in the process of fracture. On the one hand, as stress raisers they favour the nucleation of microcracks while on the other hand, they cause local retardation of fatigue crack growth probably due to the residual compressive stress surrounding them. In the mid-range of the fatigue crack growth rate curve a correlation was found between fatigue striation (or blocks of striations) spacings and the crack growth rate.
NOMENCLATUREC = Paris's equation parameter K,, = Fracture toughness at static loading Kid = Fracture toughness at impact loading Krc = Fracture toughness at cyclic loading Ku = Stress intensity factor determined by Pu P, = Load determined by the 5 % secant rule n = Paris's equation parameter da _ --Fatigue crack growth rate dN K, , , = Maximum stress intensity factor AKth = Threshold stress intensity factor up = 0.2% offset proof (yield) stress cT = Tensile strength