The static dielectric constants of CF,, CHF,, CH,F2, and CH3F have been measured at temperatures ranging from their nlelting points to their normal boiling points. The molar polarization of CF, agrees wit11 that of the gas phase to within experinlental error. The deviation of the dielectric constants of the polar fluoronlethanes from the values predicted by the Onsager equation cannot be fully due to their non-spherical shape.It is postulated that although a significant parallel dipole correlation may be present in each fluoromethane, the polarization resulting from the liquid lattice vibrations, may account for much, or all, of theeffect in CH3F and CH,F,. Bien que pour chaque fluoromdthane polaire une correlation significative de dipole parallele puisse &tre prtsente, il est postule que la polarization resultant des vibrations du rtseau liquide puisse expliquer la plus grande partie si ce n'cst la totalitt de I'effet present dans CH,Fet CH,F,.