This study ascertained the impact of project management approaches on the performance of nongovernmental organization projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research was guided by the theory of limits, contingency theory, and agency theory. The descriptive research design was adopted in this study. The study's target population was one hundred fifty two (152) working NGOs in the County Government of Migori. Stratified and simple random sample were utilized to pick 26 respondents from the target demographic, totaling 152 functioning NGOs in the Migori County Government. This study relied on primary data. The study used questionnaires to acquire primary data. After ensuring that all data entered was correct. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Frequency distribution, percentages, and measures of central trends were examples of descriptive statistics (mean). Correlation and regression analysis were employed as inferential statistics to demonstrate the nature and size of the relationships between the variables. The information was then displayed in the form of tables. Qualitative data, on the other hand, was thematically categorized and then assessed. To examine qualitative data, which was acquired through open-ended questions, content analysis was performed. The study's findings suggested that effective project management methods such as communication, planning, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring and evaluating project activities resulted in enhanced project performance. The study revealed that project communication has a substantial impact on project results; hence, explicitly creating and controlling project communication structures should always be on the agenda of team leaders and management prior to the start of any project. The study also showed that project performance was positively and significantly influenced by planning, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring and assessment. According to the survey, the company should improve and embrace active communication throughout the business. The stakeholders and the society at large must be educated on the importance of project planning, monitoring, and execution at all levels. The report also suggests that stakeholders be involved in all pre-implementation and conception meetings, and that their perspectives be included into planning and execution.