This study examines the effects of using crushed Printed Circuit Board (PCB) (also known as E-waste aggregate) in concrete as a partial substitute for regular coarse aggregate (NCA). M25 grade concrete was utilized. After substituting 0%, 10%, and 15% of the natural coarse aggregates with E-waste aggregate, three combinations were still complete. Verified examples continue to focus on strength attributes, after which long-lasting characteristics such as aquatic concentration, thermal expansion, and abrasion encounter tests were carried out. Test results proved that when the replacement percentage of Electronic waste aggregate was higher significant reduction in strength properties was noticed. It is container remains credited to the reality that incorporation of E-waste aggregate slows down the hydration process that would lead to a significant loss in strength. However, it was observed that mix made with 10% and 15% E-waste aggregate shows better resistance against durability properties than control mix concrete. It was also observed that utmost care should be taken for maintaining proper workability and removal of toxic substances in E-waste aggregate for better forte and toughness properties.