The distribution of Cr atoms in Fe100−xCrx alloys with x ≤ 25 within the first two coordination shells, 1N N − 2N N , around probe 57 Fe atoms was studied using Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Clear evidence was found that the distribution is not random but instead characteristic of a given atomic configuration, (m, n) (m being the number of Cr atoms in 1N N , and n that in 2N N ). The behavior was described quantitatively in terms of average SRO parameters, < α1 > (for 1N N ), < α2 > (for 2N N ) and < α12 > (for 1N N − 2N N ) as well as in terms of a local short-range order (SRO) parameter, α(m, n), for each pair (m, n). A change of sign (inversion) was found both in < α1 > and in < α2 >, though going with x in opposite directions. No inversion was observed in < α12 >, which was either positive or negative depending on the metallurgical state of the samples. These findings prompt a revision of current interpretation of experimental and theoretical results relevant to the issue.