“…The BEC-520 conductivity control instrument was selected to measure the rate of acceleration; NJ-160A building material net slurry mixer (Shanghai Meiyingpu Instrument and Instrument Manufacturing Co, Ltd.), measuring net slurry; JJ-5 building material sand mixer (Shanghai Meiyingpu Instrument and Instrument Manufacturing Co, Ltd.), used to measure the flowability of ASBM slurry; SS-150 scanning electron microscope (Carl Zeiss AG), accelerated voltage of 30 KV, magnification of 150,000 times, to determine hydration products of building materials; LabSpec-4 infrared spectrometer (Carl Zeiss AG), used to determine the strength of building materials; BD600-S peristaltic pump (Baoding Rafer Fluid Technology Co, Ltd.) for sample preparation. Digital display constant temperature water bath pot (Changzhou Putian Instrument Manufacturing Co, Ltd.), HH-1 type [ 11 ].…”