The irrigation water requirements and sensitivity to water deficits of ornamental plants is of great interest to horticultural producers for plan irrigation strategies. The effect of different deficit irrigation strategies on physiological and morphological parameters in geranium plants was studied in different growth phases to evaluate how such strategies can be safely used and to ascertain whether the flowering phase is sensitive to deficit irrigation. Pelargonium × hortorum L.H. Bailey plants, grown in a controlled growth chamber, were subjected to four irrigation treatments: control (100% water field capacity throughout the experiment), sustainable deficit irrigation (75% water field capacity throughout the experiment), and two regulated deficit irrigation treatments that included water stress during the vegetative growth phase or during the flowering development phase. Although the total amount of irrigation water was similar in the three deficit irrigation treatments (around 80% of the control value), the lowest values for both height and flowering were found when deficit irrigation was applied during flowering. This indicates that plant quality does not only depend on the amount of water applied but also on the time when the reduction is applied, and that flowering is the most sensitive phase to water stress. Evapotranspiration was related to the formation of inflorescences and to increased plant height. When the irrigation strategy was changed, plants increased or decreased their water consumption and stomatal conductance to adjust to the new conditions by regulating stomatal opening, although, in general, the values of both parameters remained below those observed in the control plants. Regulated deficit irrigation in potted Dianthus plants: Effects of severe and moderate water stress on growth and physiological responses. Sci Hortic 122:579-585 Álvarez S, Navarro A., Nicolás E, Sánchez-Blanco MJ (2011) Transpiration, photosynthetic responses, tissue water relations and dry mass partitioning in Callistemon plants during drought conditions. Sci Hortic 129:306-312 Álvarez S, Gómez-Bellot MJ, Castillo M, Bañón S, Sánchez-Blanco MJ (2012) Osmotic and saline effect on growth, water relations, and ion uptake and translocation in Phlomis purpurea plants. Env Exp Bot 78:138-145 Andersson NE (2001) Weight controlled irrigation of potted plants. Acta Hortic 559:371-375 Andersson NE (2011) The influence of water stress and air velocity on growth of Impatiens walleriana and Petunia x hybrid. Sci Hortic 128:146-151 Armitage AM, Carlson WH, Flores JA (1981) The effect of temperature and quantum flux density on the morphology, physiology and flowering of hybrid geranium. J Am Soc Hortic Sci 106:643-647 Arora R, Dharmalingam SP, Bradford CB (1998) Water-stress-induced heat tolerance in geranium leaf tissues: A possible linkage through stress proteins?. Physiol Plant 103:24-34 Atkinson D, Crisp CM (1983) The effect of some plant growth regulators and herbicides on root system morphology and activity. Acta Hortic 136:21-2...