This research assessed a novel treatment process of winery wastewater, through the application of a chemical-based process aiming to decrease the high organic carbon content, which represents a difficulty for wastewater treatment plants and a public health problem. Firstly, a coagulation–flocculation–decantation process (CFD process) was optimized by a simplex lattice design. Afterwards, the efficiency of a UV-C/ferrous iron/ozone system was assessed for organic carbon removal in winery wastewater. This system was applied alone and in combination with the CFD process (as a pre- and post-treatment). The coagulation–flocculation–decantation process, with a mixture of 0.48 g/L potassium caseinate and 0.52 g/L bentonite at pH 4.0, achieved 98.3, 97.6, and 87.8% removals of turbidity, total suspended solids, and total polyphenols, respectively. For the ozonation process, the required pH and ferrous iron concentration (Fe2+) were crucial variables in treatment optimization. With the application of the best operational conditions (pH = 4.0, [Fe2+] = 1.0 mM), the UV-C/ferrous iron/ozone system achieved 63.2% total organic carbon (TOC) removal and an energy consumption of 1843 kWh∙m−3∙order−1. The combination of CFD and ozonation processes increased the TOC removal to 66.1 and 65.5%, respectively, for the ozone/ferrous iron/UV-C/CFD and CFD/ozone/ferrous iron/UV-C systems. In addition, the germination index of several seeds was assessed and excellent values (>80%) were observed, which revealed the reduction in phytotoxicity. In conclusion, the combination of CFD and UV-C/ferrous iron/ozone processes is efficient for WW treatment.