along with two reference varieties (Binatomato-4, Binatomato-5) were evaluated based on their morpho-physiological features, reproductive characters, yield attributes and fruit yield at the experimental farm of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The mutants differed significantly from their morphological features (plant height, branch and leaf number, leaf area, etc.), growth characters (root weight and total dry mass plant-1 , absolute and relative growth rate), biochemical parameters (chlorophyll, total sugar, nitrate reductase and vitamin-C contents), reproductive behaviour (number of effective and non-effective flower cluster plant-1 , number of flowers plant-1 and reproductive efficiency), yield attributes and fruit yield. Superior performance in leaf area, total dry mass production, absolute growth rate, nitrate reductase activity and total sugar content in leaves, number of flower cluster and flowers plant-1 which resulted higher number of fruits plant-1. Chlorophyll content and reproductive efficiency had little or no significant contribution to fruit yield. Fruit yield had highly significant positive correlation with leaf area, total dry mass, absolute growth rate, number of flower clusters and fruits plant-1 , while fruit size had significant negative association with fruit number. This result indicates that the improvement of fruit number plant-1 could be achieved by selecting increased number of effective flower cluster plant-1. The mutant, TM-133 maintained superiority to the other mutants for yield related traits and produced highest fruit yield (95.1 t ha-1) and thus, it may be treated as a promising mutant to release as variety.