ABSTRACT:Carbonation, as a reaction of the curing process of both, cement and lime binders, modifies the microstructure. Several microstructure properties, namely, porosity, pore size distribution, surface fractal dimension and specific surface area have been investigated in this study to describe the effect of carbonation on microstructure. Both carbonated and non-carbonated pastes of lime and blended pastes of lime and cement having varying W/B (water/binder) ratios are studied. Results show that carbonation decreases the porosity, but not with the same intensity in all pore size ranges. The highest modification is between 0.03 and 0.01 µm in lime pastes and between 0.2 and 0.02 µm in 50% lime pastes, while in 80% lime pastes the modification is very small. It is also observed that carbonation is a function of the binder composition but not of the W/B ratio. Moreover, surface fractal dimension decreases during the carbonation process, while the specific surface area varies depending of the binder composition.