Temporal and ontogenetic variation in the escape response of Ameiva festiva (Squamata, Teiidae). Several factors have been shown to affect lizard escape behavior (flight initiation distance or FID, the distance between predator and prey when the prey initiates escape). Patterns of daily activity, such as foraging or movement behavior, vary with respect to time of day, supporting that escape responses may vary temporally as well. However, there remains scant information regarding the effects of time of day on FID. During peak activity, FID may decrease due to increased cost of giving up resources (e.g., prey or potential mates). An alternative hypothesis is that FID may increase because lizard activity in general may serve to alert a predator in advance of its approach. A lizard in this scenario may be favored to flee sooner rather than later. Moreover, juvenile and adult lizards of multiple species may differ in behavioral, ecological, and morphological traits that could influence escape decisions. I tested the effects of time of day (in 30-min intervals) and age (juvenile or adult) on the FID of a tropical whiptail lizard, Ameiva festiva in Costa Rica. I found that A. festiva escape responses varied with time of day such that in general, their FID decreased throughout the day. In addition, I observed a peak in FID from mid to late-morning that matches published estimates of peak activity times for A. festiva. Overall, juvenile A. festiva initiated an escape response sooner than adults, which may be related to differences in perceived risk associated with differences in size and predator experience between the two age groups. I conclude that escape responses may be contingent on both the activity level of the animal at the time of approach and its age.Keywords: activity pattern, age, flight initiation distance, lizard, optimal escape theory, time of day.
18Phyllomedusa -13(1), August 2014
ResumoVariação temporal e ontogenética na resposta de fuga de Ameiva festiva (Squamata, Teiidae). Diversos fatores podem influenciar o comportamento de fuga dos lagartos (distância de início da fuga ou FID, a distância entre o predador e a presa quando esta inicia a fuga). Os padrões diários de atividade, como os comportamentos de forrageio ou de movimentação, variam em função da hora do dia, sustentando a ideia de que as respostas de fuga podem variar também temporalmente. Contudo, permenecem escassas as informações relacionadas aos efeitos da hora do dia sobre a FID. Durante o pico de atividade, a FID pode diminuir devido ao aumento do custo de desistir de recursos (e.g., presas ou parceiros potenciais). Uma hipótese alternative é a de que a FID pode aumentar porque a atividade do lagarto em geral pode servir para alertar um predador antes de sua aproximação. Esse cenário pode favorecer a fuga precoce de um lagarto, em vez de tardia. Além disso, lagartos juvenis e adultos de diversas espécies podem diferir em características de comportamento, ecológicas e morfológicas que poderiam influenciar as decisões de fuga. Test...