We report on the rotational reorientation dynamics of a fluorescent reporter molecule, BODIPY 494/503, within n-alkyl (n = 1−18) monolayers formed on quartz in contact with pure supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO 2 ) at 313 K (reduced temperature, T r = 1.03) between a reduced CO 2 density (ρ r = ρ exp /ρ c ) of 0 and 1.8. The BODIPY 494/504 rotational dynamics are described by free (n ≥ 4) and hindered rotor (n ≤ 6) models. As the CO 2 density increases, hindered rotation shifts toward free rotation, and the local viscosity in the cybotactic region surrounding the BODIPY 494/504 reporter within the monolayer decreases. These results are interpreted in terms of n-and density-dependent scCO 2 alkyl chain solvation.