The tremendous increase
in energy demand due to increased population
and rapid economics results in an increased level of atmospheric pollutants
and global warming. The global shift to the use of renewable clean
energies still has some restrictions in terms of the availability
of the advanced reliable technologies and the cost of application
compared to conventional fossil fuels. Until we can have this full
conversion to renewables, the development of novel techniques for
clean combustion of fossil fuels is appreciated. Forced by the simultaneous
increased pressure of strict emissions regulations and the target
of limiting the global warming to 2 °C, gas turbine manufacturers
developed novel combustion techniques for clean power production in
gas turbines as per the present review study. These novel techniques
depend either on modification in the existing combustion system or
developing novel burners for clean power production. In this review,
different clean combustion techniques are presented including flame
type variability, burner design, and fuel and oxidizer flexibility.
The combustion and emission characteristics of different flame types
including non-premixed/premixed, moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution
(MILD) flameless combustion, colorless distributed combustion (CDC),
and low-swirl injector (LSI) combustion flames are presented with
their limitations for applications. Novel burner designs for clean
burning in gas turbines are investigated in detail including swirl
stabilized, dry low NOx (DLN), and dry low emission (DLE), catalytic
combustion, perforated plate, environmental vortex (EV), sequential
environmental vortex (SEV), advanced environmental vortex (AEV), and
lean direct injection (LDI) micromixer burners. As an effective technique
to control combustion instabilities within the gas turbine combustor,
a fuel flexibility approach is studied, considering mainly hydrogen-enriched
combustion and the associated concerns about the fuel variability
technique. An oxidizer flexibility approach in gas turbines is also
studied under a premixed combustion mode considering lean premixed
(LPM) air combustion and oxy-fuel combustion, and both techniques
are compared in terms of performance and emissions. Finally, the feasibility
of the different clean combustion techniques is discussed along with
the available market products utilizing such novel technologies.