The improvement of employees' professional competence through quality learning and development is the most important goal of any organization. For this purpose, special attention to develop the skills of the novice professionals to replace the aging workforce has great significance. Novice professionals should learn and grow at work in a way that it must influence quality of their grooming as well as progression in career however, not much is known about the way it occurs. Like all other hierarchical larger organizations, law enforcement agencies (LEAs) also have to stay current on such learning and development practices. Therefore, in this research work, quality learning and development related aspects of both components of LEAs, the Pakistan Police and the Civil Armed Forces have been focused. The extent to aspects like career guidance & dialogues, team level learning, and mental model development practices have an impact on quality learning and development of novice professionals in LEAs based at Islamabad, Punjab, Sind, Khyber Pakhtukhwa (KPK), and Baluchistan regions has been investigated. Two stages sampling, stratified sampling followed by systematic random sampling method were used to gather the data, and SPSS version 26 was used for analysis. The findings revealed that identified grooming aspects have a significant positive impact on quality learning and development of novice professionals when mediated by attitude to continuous learning which itself had moderation effect of talent-oriented development. Furthermore, Artificial Neural Network technique was also applied to have improved insight of such factors on quality learning and development, the outcome was favorable. According to the study, LEAs can develop their novice professionals effectively by choosing a correct methodology that is practical rather than adhering to conventional techniques. Such measures will not only help the individual professionals but will also strengthen the organization as a whole to achieve the envisioned goals.