-We study the vortex dynamics in high-quality FeTe0.6Se0.4 single crystal by performing magnetization measurements of the screening current density J s and flux creep rate S. Temperature dependence of S shows a plateau in the intermediate temperature region with a high creep rate ∼ 0.03, which is interpreted in the framework of the collective creep theory. A crossover from elastic to plastic creep is observed. The glassy exponent and barrier height for flux creep are directly determined by extended Maley's method. J s with flux creep, obtained from magnetic hysteresis loops, is successfully reproduced based on the collective creep analysis. We also approach critical current density without flux creep by means of the generalized inversion scheme, which proves that the δl and δT c pinning coexist in FeTe0.6Se0.4 single crystal.Recently discovered iron-based superconductors (IBSs) with superconducting transition temperature T c above 55 K is another member of the high temperature superconductors (HTS) after cuprate superconductors [1,2]. IBSs share some similarities with cuprate superconductors like layered structure, very high upper critical fields and unconventional paring mechanism [2,3]. The study of IBSs is helpful to solve some puzzles remained in HTS and testify some notions and theories originated from the cuprate superconductors. Among these, vortex dynamics is one of the central issues related to both basic science and technological applications. For cuprate superconductors, due to large anisotropy, short coherence lengths and high operation temperature, the vortex motion and fluctuations are quite strong [4]. This leads to a collective pinning with small characteristic pinning energy, which give rise to intriguing experimental results, such as plateau observed in the temperature dependence of normalized relaxation rate (S ≡|dlnM /dlnt |) [5] in contrast to the linear increase with temperature predicted by the Anderson-Kim model in low temperature superconductors (LTS). To understand these behaviors, some theories have been proposed in the past decades [4]. Among these, the collective creep theory successfully interpreted the plateau region, and the large creep rate [5,6]. The discovery of IBSs provides another opportunity to study the vortex dynamics as well as collective creep theory in HTS, and its intermediate T c is also meaningful to understand the crossover between LTS and HTS.