Infrared chemiluminescence from vibrationally excited H 2 O, HOD, and D 2 O molecules in the ranges 3200-3900 cm -1 (O-H stretch) and 2400-2900 cm -1 (O-D stretch) was observed from the reactions of OH and OD radicals with hydrogen and deuterium bromide in a fast flow reactor with 0.5-2 Torr of Ar carrier gas at 300 K. Hydroxyl radicals were produced via the H + NO 2 reaction; the H atoms were generated by microwave discharge in a H 2 /Ar mixture. Vibrational distributions for H 2 O, HOD, and D 2 O were determined by computer simulation of the experimental emission spectra. The H 2 O emission from OH + HBr reaction shows inverted populations for both the collisionally coupled stretching modes and the bending mode. Inversion in the bending distribution with a maximum for V 2 ) 1 is more apparent in the V 1,3 ) 1 level, which is populated up to the thermochemical limit of V 2 ) 5. The HOD emission from OD + HBr shows an inverted population in the O-H stretching mode with a maximum for V 3 ) 2 and shows a decreasing population in the collisionally mixed O-D stretching/bending ν 1,2 levels with half the molecules in the V 1 ) 0 group. The distribution in ν 1,2 for HOD from the OH + DBr reaction also appeared to be decreasing for V 1 > 0 levels, but collisional redistribution to V 3 ) 1 seems evident from the pressure dependence of the vibrational distributions. These distributions are discussed with the aid of the information theoretic analysis and compared to F atom abstraction reactions from HBr and DBr and to quantum-scattering calculations on an OH + HBr surface. The overall vibrational energy disposal is 〈f V 〉 ≈ 0.6, which resembles the analogous three-body cases. However, the partitioning of the energy between stretching and bending modes raises new questions about reaction dynamics.