We studied frequency spectrum, implicit time and amplitude of oscillatory potentials (OPs) in albino mice, rats, and rabbits. Oscillatory potentials were extracted digitally from dark- and light-adapted electroretinograms (ERGs) recorded with a protocol commonly used in our laboratory. The frequency spectra of OPs were analyzed by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Oscillatory potential amplitudes were calculated via numerically integrating the power spectrum. Oscillatory potential frequency spectra vary among species and are light-intensity dependent. In dark-adapted ERG, mouse and rat OPs have one major component with a frequency peak at approximately 100 Hz. Rabbits show multiple frequency peaks with a low frequency peak around 75 Hz. In all the three species, the implicit time of light-adapted OP is longer than that of the dark-adapted OPs. At a given intensity, mice have the highest OP responses. Our data suggest that the commonly used bandpass of 75 Hz (or even 100 Hz) to 300 Hz for OP extraction is insufficient in these animals. In order to acquire the complete OP responses from the ERG signals, it is necessary to determine the OP frequency spectrum. In this study, the lower end cutoff frequency was set at 40 Hz in mice, 65 Hz in rats and rabbits.