Influence of long term load on timber-concrete composite systems Timber-concrete composite systems represent a very good technical solution both in reconstruction activities and in construction of new buildings. The design of such systems is currently conducted using the γ procedure defined in Eurocode 5. The long-term behaviour of such composites is a highly complex problem depending on the creep, swelling, shrinkage and thermal changes within concrete, creep and moisture content in wood, and creep of the connection itself. The design of composite systems according to current regulations is incomplete in some conditions, and there is ample room for improving the existing European standards and regulations. Utjecaj dugotrajnog opterećenja na spregnute sustave drvo-beton Spregnuti sustavi drvo-beton predstavljaju vrlo dobro tehničko rješenje ne samo u sanacijama nego i u izgradnji novih objekata. Zasad se dimenzioniranje tih sustava provodi γ-postupkom definiranim u Eurokodu 5. Dugoročno ponašanje ovakvih sustava vrlo je kompleksan problem i ovisi o puzanju, bubrenju, skupljanju i temperaturnim promjenama unutar betona, puzanju i udjelu vlage u drvu, te o puzanju samog spoja. Dimenzioniranje takvih sustava prema sadašnjim propisima u određenim je uvjetima nedorečeno te postoji velik prostor za poboljšanja postojećih normi i propisa.