In order to investigate the response in fauna and biological communities of terrestrial insects to the vegetation encroachment on the sandbar, species composition, species diversity, functional species traits and community structure of land-dwelling insects sampled by a pit-fall trap were compared at the bare and vegetated sandbar of a typical sand-bed stream, the Naeseong Stream, Korea. Species diversity of the insects was increased but their density was decreased as the riparian vegetation encroached at the sandbar. In particular, indicator species of bare sandbar such as Cicindela laetescripta and Dianemobius csikii, were found at the bar sandbar. The insect communities were clearly classified at the bare and vegetated sandbar according to coverages of riparian plants. The food web of the bare sandbar was composed of detritusdetritivore and scavenger -predator consisted mainly of Coleoptera. On the other hand, the food web of the vegetated sandbar was composed of plants -sucking and chewing herbivore -parasitoid and predator. These results showed that biodiversity of terrestrial insects was increased, food web was changed from grazing to detritus food chain, and insect fauna specific bare sandbar disappeared as the riparian vegetation invaded on the sandbar of a sand-bed stream.