Steering control algorithm plays an important role in a rotary steerable system for horizontal well drilling, including the determination of the well trajectory, vibrations, stability, durability among other variables. This work develops a control algorithm for three static push-the-bit rotary steerable systems (RSS TSP ) (TSP is the abbreviation of "three static push-the-bit"). Based on the structure, mechanism, and working process of the RSS TSP , mechanical and mathematical models are proposed to determine the required steering force (amplitude and direction) to move the drill bit from a point to another. Additional equations are constructed to overcome the non-uniqueness and then compute the optimal forces for the three pads to achieve the required steering force. Moreover, a new control algorithm of RSS TSP is developed, considering the steerability, stability, durability, favorable area, unfavorable area, maximum usable magnitude of steering force. The proposed control algorithm is also applied to a new RSS TSP and tested on a GU-693-P102 well for validation. It is found that each pad force changes smoothly, the drilling tool is stable, and the well trajectory is consistent with the design, demonstrating that our proposed control algorithm is robust and effective for RSS TSP for horizontal well drilling.