The author gives a survey of the methods used and the results obtained in induced mutation . The article consists of three parts : the general theoretical aspects, the possibilities of practical application and a bibliography of 789 titles .In the theoretical part (Mutation research) the various types of mutation are mentioned, but only gene-or point mutations and structural mutations are discussed . These two categories cannot be distinguished sharply . Study of diploid organisms is less easy than that of haploid ones, study of cross-fertilizers less easy than that of self-fertilizers, and study of recessive mutations (the most frequent type) less easy than that of dominant ones . Methods for induction of mutations are discussed in the chapters "Irradiation as mutagen" and "Chemical mutagens" .In the second part the mutagens, treatments, mutation frequency, mutation spectrum, selection methods, etc . are discussed with respect to the possibilities of practical application (Mutation breeding) . Chemical mutagens are becoming more important . The techniques for production and for selection of mutants demand improvement and refinement . Hitherto interest has been mainly concentrated upon easily recognizable morphological mutations . Attention, however, should also be drawn more towards the smaller, quantitative, physiological, chemical mutations .Mutation breeding offers many possibilities and difficulties . The keen eye, the optimism, enthousiasm and perseverence which are of so much importance in the normal plant breeding, are necessary in mutation breeding as well .