Birth weights of calves differ among the various beef breeds. In general, calves of the Angus breed are lighter at birth than calves of the Hereford or Shorthorn breeds. Temple (1963) in the 1962-1963 Annual Report of the Southern Regional Beef Cattle Breeding Project (SIO) list by breed the average birth weights of calves born during 1962 as: 60.2 pounds for 1031 Angus, 69.3 pounds for 1731 Hereford, 67.2 pounds for 190 Shorthorns, 74.2 pounds for 96 Santa Gertrudis, 61.8 pounds for 169 Brahman and 68.0 pounds for 70 Brangus. Comfort and Lasley (1960) from a survey of the literature derived average birth weights of 66, 74 and 67 pounds for bulls and 59, 71, and 62 pounds for heifers in the Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn breeds, respectively. Burris and Blunn (1952) at the Nebraska station observed birth weights of 64.2, 67.4 and 64.3 pounds for 502 calves of the Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn breeds, respectively.