Permeability is a key property for injectivity of carbon dioxide in enhanced coalbed methane/carbon sequestration projects. In addition to cleat spacing and connectivity, permeability is affected by the in situ stresses, the geomechanical properties (Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio) of the coal, the amounts and compositions of the fluids (e.g., CH4, CO2) sorbed by the coal matrix, and the dependence of the matrix swelling on the amounts and compositions of the sorbed fluids.
In this paper, we have tested bituminous coal coal cores from the Upper Freeport formation, Marshall County, West Virginia in the Appalachian Basin. This coal has generated considerable interest, because of a current industry/DOE/NETL sponsored project to inject carbon dioxide into this seam for the purpose of developing and testing carbon sequestration.
The cores were tested in a composite core holder allowing hydrostatic confinement and X- ray computerized tomography (CT). Permeabilities for helium, methane, and carbon dioxide were measured using a conventional method of simultaneous pressure-drop and flow-rate measurements. Compressibility and carbon dioxide sorption of the sample were calculated from CT measurements of density variations in the core.
Permeability was reduced considerably by increases of effective stresses in the coal, and by sorption of carbon dioxide in the coal. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the coal, its sorption and elastic properties varied greatly among different locations within the core. As a corollary, samples from the same well and coal seam may show large variations in methane content, carbon dioxide storage capacity, permeability, and mechanical properties.
The Upper Freeport coal sits in the Allegheny formation, consisting of inter-bedded sandstones, siltstones, shales, limestone and coalbeds, as illustrated by Figure 1. Coalbed methane is produced from Lower and Upper Freeport, Kittaning and Clarion coals. The total gas in place for Allegheny coalbeds was estimated at 50.5 tcf, out of an estimated 61 tcf for all coals of the Northern Appalachian coal basin, which includes parts of southwestern Pennsylvania, northwestern West Virginia, and western Ohio (West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, 1996).
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and industrial partners (Consol) are performing a field pilot in Marshal Co., WV, in the Upper Freeport formation to develop CO2 sequestration /enhanced coalbed methane technologies (Cairns, 2003). The production of gas from coal seams, and the injectivity and storage of CO2 into coal, are highly dependent on two parameters: permeability, and storage. Coal seams are treated as dual porosity reservoirs with the majority of the gas stored in the primary porosity system (coal matrix), while the permeability of the coal seam is governed by the natural fractures and cleats in coal that constitute the secondary porosity system (Mavor, 2006). The natural fracture (or cleat) porosity and permeability are dependent on location, pressure in the reservoir, and geomechanical properties (Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio) of the coal, the amounts and compositions of the fluids (e.g., CH4, H2O, CO2) sorbed by the coal matrix, and the dependence of the matrix swelling on the amounts and compositions of the sorbed fluids.